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  • Writer's pictureWayne Mulligan

"He who learns but does not think is lost..........

.......He who thinks and does not learn is in great danger" Confucius

Reflecting on the key learnings I got out of my recent overseas trip to Singapore, Thailand, Japan, and Taiwan, has reinforced how vital relationships and face-to-face meetings are. I have been to Asia three times over the past 6-months. Here is an update on the key relationships currently being developed by NZ Bio Forestry.

Three key relationship learnings from the trip

1. NZ Bio Forestry will not lose sight of the fundamental importance and value of investors and funders. They need to know that their capital will achieve their objectives:

  • environmental;

  • financial;

  • sustainability;

  • market;

  • risk mitigation;

  • brand.

2. NZ Bio Forestry has gone about investing in technology, understanding market demand, and recognising our target audience. NZ Bio Forestry has been forging deep relationships and listening carefully to the business problems of potential customers. The key point here is, we are not simply selling a product or service, we are forging outcomes that customers seek.

3. In terms of international business relationships, being Māori has provided a positive point of difference. Our Māori approach, narrative, connection to the environment, and our values will continue to benefit NZ.

Business is Relationships

Below is a snapshot of the many key relationships developed

Bioenergy - NZ

NZ Bio Forestry has signed a MoU with Genesis Energy. We jointly released a media statement and are working with them on two energy applications - bio pellets (black) and biochemical energy.

Japan - Taiwan Biochemical

NZ Bio Forestry and Refine Holdings have strengthened their relationships by signing an MoU. We jointly produced the following media release

Machine Press - Taiwan

A further MoU with an innovative machine hydraulic-press company has been established. This will enable the creation of new machines combining pressure and steam in two applications.

(1) Bio-energy for high-energy applications;

(2) Bio-chemical supplementary applications. Media release within 4-6 weeks.

Tūwharetoa - Forests

NZ Bio Forestry has a MoU with Tupu Angitu - the commercial arm of Lake Taupo Forest Trust.

Forestry Supply

NZ Bio Forestry plans to announce a signed MoU with another forestry group to develop a 'whole of tree' value proposition.


Through our Taiwanese and Singaporean business partners, we expect to co-sign with other large Taiwanese and Singaporean companies over the coming months, and media releases will follow.

Japan - Bioenergy-Biomass Conference - Tokyo

In attending this very insightful conference I made some great networks, enabling me to follow up with some of the leading European and Asian companies in Bangkok and Singapore after the Tokyo conference.

Aligning with Global Movements

Conservation International (CI)

NZ Bio Forestry spent a weekend with CI in the beautiful Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa – Gisborne. Also attending were large global companies and potential funders from across the globe. NZ Bio Forestry presented its model as part of a Pacific Indigenous group working with CI on Project Blue Carbon.

The intention of NZ Bio Forestry is to help solve the problem of fossil and petroleum products going into waterways and the ocean. Our focus is Asia-Pacific where over 60% of the world's population resides. We were part of the CI indigenous delegation at COP27 in Egypt in 2022.

United Nations – Sustainable Development Solutions Networks (SDSN)

We have initiated dialogue with SDSN. This is a very influential network. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (

NZ Climate Commission

We are proud of working with the Climate Commission and Massey University’s MAF Digital Lab. NZ BIO FORESTRY: NGĀHERE KOROKORO on Vimeo


From a meeting with Masdar last year, NZ Bio Forestry has since been approached with the possibility of attending COP28 in late November 2023. Masdar is a large Abu Dhabi investment group. They are also hosting a sustainability week which we may also participate in.

Bio Energy Association - NZ

NZ Bio Forestry has recently joined this association, they are very supportive of our model, and we have already established some key relationships and had access to valuable webinars and resources. NZ Bio Forestry Ltd | Bioenergy Association of New Zealand.

The Next Phases

1. Capital Raise & Singapore

This is now our key focus. We plan to set up our capital raise and IP holding group in Singapore. We are due to ramp up activity from August to December 2023 with a significant focus on securing offshore investment.

2. First Integrated Bio-facility

Following the raising of investment capital we will start a four-year process to build the following facilities in Aotearoa-NZ:

· bio-pellet;

· decorative ply/veneer; and

· modular bio-refinery (30MT to 330MT increased capacity each year). That is the latest update - thinking, learning and constantly building relationships!

Ngā mihi

Wayne Mulligan

CEO - NZ Bio Forestry.



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